Saturday, October 16, 2010

6 years & 15 months

Last Thursday, Matt and I celebrated 6 years of marriage! I can hardly believe it's been that long. We didn't do much that day (although Matt had most of the week off work which was wonderful) but we headed up to Park City for the weekend. I had never left Jackson overnight before and I was a little anxious about it but he and Eliza were left in the best hands imaginable - grandma and grandpa. Eliza talked all week about how excited she was for them to come to her house for a sleep over. Matt and I had such a wonderful time. I forgot how nice it is to sit at a restaurant and not have to battle with children. We stayed at the Waldorf Astoria which was super nice! The pool was an outdoor pool but was heated to 85 degrees. Although, with the slight breeze, that actually wasn't warm enough for us so we hung out in the hot tub. As Matt said, why settle for 85 when you can have 115? We hit up the outlets in the morning and then headed home. It was a short but much needed get away. Thank you so much to my mom and dad for tending.

Also, Jackson had his 15 month check up this past week.

He's still the same weight he has been since about 6 months old - 27 lbs. He's just gotten taller. He's about 30 inches now. So he's still big. Just 95th percentile big instead of 120th percentile big. He's doing really well. He's not saying as many words as they would like so we're going to try and work on that. The doctor was shocked at how many teeth this kid has! So, I'm holding out hope that that has been the main reason for his grumpiness. I'm hoping for some happier times in the coming months when these teeth decide to give him a break.

Love this boy! (Eliza took this last picture - her aim is getting better!)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First steps

The sideways walk cracks us up! He is too used to shimmying his way across furniture and the wall. He needs to get that straightened out.

Here is another one where he nearly cracked his head on the piano bench. Yikes! Good catch, buddy! Don't mind Eliza freaking out at the end of the video....

The little man is growing up. Love him so much!