Monday, March 24, 2008


Eliza has had a cold for a few days so I stayed home from church with her on Sunday. I was sad that we wouldn't be in church on Easter Sunday because it's always such a special day. But we still had a fun day. We went to dinner at my mom and dad's house and since Eliza didn't get to wear her Easter dress to church, she wore it to dinner. I have to say that adorable dresses are one of my favorite things about having a daughter. She loves it as much as I do too. After I put her in a pretty dress she walks in front of her mirror and smiles at herself.

After dinner we had an egg hunt but Eliza is still a little young to get really excited about it. After we help her put eggs in her basket, she just takes them back out or gives them away.

We had a wonderful holiday and hope you all did too!

1 comment:

Jillian said...

She looks so cute in her Easter dress!! :)