Thursday, September 23, 2010

3 months

It's been three months and I've reached my goal of losing 20 pounds! I am so happy about it! I had to go buy new jeans which, while not the cheapest outing, feels great. I'd love to lose another 5-10 but those seem to be the toughest. Any suggestions?

Matt has also been doing awesome. He's at about the 22 pound mark. He is so dedicated to his new workout routine. He does his P90X workout 6 days a week. I could never do that. I'm so proud of him!


Liz said...

Em, that is great! Be sure to mix up your workout as much as you can...muscle confusion is one of the main ideas of P90X (which I could also never do), but you can confuse your muscles with your own workouts. Also if you haven't done yoga yet, I highly's a deceptively hard (in a good way) workout. Let's see some pictures of the new you!

Emily said...

Thank you for the suggestions Liz! Honestly, I really don't look that different. Just fitting more comfortably in my clothes. :)

Kara said...

Emily you look great!!! Wait to go!! 20 pounds i huge!! Congrats!! Wear those new jeans PROUD!!

Amanda said...

Congrats Em!!! You really do look great, not that you ever didn't look great :)


You look GREAT....Although, you looked great before....Which is SO CONFUSING, because it didn't even look like you had 20 pounds to loose!
I need to get my BUTT in gear and do something to get these last 15 pounds off!

Jillian said...

Emily that's great! I'm so proud of you! (and when Lucy is outta me, you're gonna have to give me tips!)

I know, at times, it's kind of like your body reaches a plateau so you have to really mix it up. Try different types of work outs and also mix up what you eat. Rotate in lots of grains and fruits and veggies and proteins. Also, if you have an exercise ball, those are fun and work really well!