Saturday, August 27, 2011


It has been a long time coming but Matt finally got his tonsils out on Thursday. He gets chronic sore throats, cankers on his throat, and strep. I FINALLY convinced him to see an ENT rather than a regular family doctor. Dr. Shah took one look in his throat and said, and I quote, "Look at those pus sacks! Let's get 'em out!" I like a doctor who is decisive. :) So we got it scheduled and he had a tonsillectomy and his adenoids out. He completely freaked himself out over it. Everyone we knew told us horror stories and then he found even more on the internet. It's an easy recovery for a child but as an adult it's much tougher. But we knew it would be worth it in the long run.

The surgery itself was very fast. He has had one other surgery and did not do well with the after effects of the anesthesia. So they gave him something to help with the nausea but it was still a rough few hours waiting for it to be all out of his system. And then I inadvertently made thing worse. I was so worried that he would be in horrible pain I set my alarm and every 4 hours I was giving him a Percocet. All day and all night. I didn't know that that was making him even MORE nauseated. Oops! I was just concerned with controlling the pain. He decided to stop the Percocet and try just taking Tylenol. That has made a huge difference! He looks better and feels much better. I guess given the choice of less pain control but not throwing up every time he was vertical he chose to stick with Tylenol.

The kids have been so good for me which has been great. Eliza has been a big help and even brought home a bottle of water tonight for Matt from our neighborhood party because, "It's ice cold and dad can have things that are ice cold."

All in all, it's hasn't been too bad. I don't think the pain is too much worse than the sore throats he is used to. Let's cross our fingers our luck holds out! We'll see how the next few days go.

Big thank you to my dad for coming out at the crack of dawn and tending the kids Thursday morning. I don't know what we would have done!

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