Monday, January 4, 2010

Our Sunbeam

This Sunday was Eliza's first day in Sunbeams. They just called brand new teachers and I feel for them. There are about 14 fresh out of nursery three year olds. Luckily, only about 7 were there this week. She was so excited about her new class. We've spent a couple of weeks talking about the "rules." If you ask her what the rules are in church she says, "We stay in our chairs and be reverent and don't kick our legs." Now we need to teach her to not scowl at the boy sitting next to her. Maybe they didn't get along in nursery either. :) Matt and I teach the 5 year olds this year so we get to witness her in primary first hand. It's wonderful.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

That is so fun! I have been a Sunbeams teacher in our ward for the past 3 years and was just released. But I got to watch Makayla with her class and it has been fun watching her with her friends :o)