Sunday, May 23, 2010

First fish

This is what Eliza caught on Saturday. Well, it had a head and a tail at the time. Matt said when she reeled the line in and saw a fish there, she had never been more excited! I was worried that when they, uh, prepared the fish to take home, she would be upset or grossed out but I'm not sure she even thought twice about it. Must be a little more McCann in her than Burton because a Burton would have left empty handed. :)

She was so excited to eat it! I cannot stand anything about fish - the smell, the look, the feel, and most especially the taste. But, I didn't want to taint her so Matt cooked it (outside) and the two of them ate Mr. Fish for lunch on Sunday. She actually liked it!


Courtney said...

I must have Burton in me too! :) How cool that she was so into it though! Where did you go fishing?

Emily said...

Cabela's had a free fishing pond. It was a great daddy daughter date!

Liz said...

That is so funny...I remember Grandpa helping me with my first fish. I must have killed it accidentally cause it ended up in Grandma's freezer. Then I named it George, and then of course couldn't eat it. :) Glad Eliza is getting an early start!

Jillian said...

That is SO cute!