Monday, May 30, 2011

Please, no...

This can't be happening! Jackson has not napped in 5 days. Unless you count 10 minute periods of silence in between crying for two hours, which I don't. He has never been the best napper or sleeper from the beginning but the last little while he has been doing great. I could put him down around 11:30 or 12:00 and he'd maybe cry for a minute or two but then he'd sleep for two hours. What is going on? One day he just stopped napping but it's not because he doesn't need one. The poor kid has dark circles under his eyes all afternoon. I REFUSE to believe that he is really outgrowing his nap. He's not even 2!

I love him. I love him so much but I don't think I can handle not having a break from him during the day. And he's too young to understand "quiet time." Basically, giving him a quiet time would be putting him in his crib anyway. So I'm going to keep trying for a nap until I win. :) I really, really, really hope that this is just a phase.

If you would all pray to the nap gods that my little monster will start napping again, I would appreciate it. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

BBQ/Kickball game

Last weekend we had the 3rd annual McCann family BBQ/Kickball game. Matt outdid himself this year on the BBQ. He cooked 20 POUNDS of pork shoulder in our smoker. It turned out so good! Here is the prep the night before.

Those babies went in the smoker at 6:00 am and cooked all day. Between the yummy rub on the outside and the injections of Cherry Dr. Pepper, they were delicious! I forgot to take an after picture and by the time I remembered, this is all that was left.

After we ate, it was time for the game!

Eliza helped herself to the Dabo's trampoline. Sorry about that...

Don't ask who won, I have no idea. All I know is someone was supposed to either shave their head or dye their hair pink but a last minute race decided that it was a tie.

Then Matt held a trivia game to win fabulous prizes. If you know Matt, you know that he LOVES random trivia.

By this time, it had dropped about 20 degrees so everyone packed up and headed home.

Thank you to everyone who came and helped out! Kim, the snicker-doodle bundt cake was TO DIE FOR. My fault there were no leftovers of that. :)

Maybe next year it will actually feel like spring!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Makes me laugh

I used to keep a notebook with all the funny things that Eliza would say during the day. I need to start doing that again because she has had some gems lately.

Eliza: Mom, guess who I'm going to get married with when I'm older?

Me: Who?

Eliza: Jackson!

Me: Oh. Well, we don't really marry people who are in our family.

Eliza: Well, you married dad!

Me (at a restaurant battling with Jackson, as usual): Jackson! Why can't you just be content to sit there?

Eliza: Ugh...Jackson! Why can't you just be a tent?

Eliza also likes to play "pet" with Jackson. She has him hold onto a blanket or something and takes him for walks around our house. His name is Bingo and sometimes he's a boy and other times he's a girl dog. She asks if I want to pet him and tells me that he's a very nice dog and won't bite. Haha! I'm just glad when they play nice together, so I just let them be.

Most people don't get to see how funny Eliza really is because she tends to be a little shy around people. I love spending all day with her because she is always saying something that makes me laugh. I will try to remember to write all these things down...I don't ever want to forget her sense of humor!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's day

I had a very happy Mother's day this year! I ate too much but what are you supposed to do when you get sugar cookies and donuts from church just for being a mom?

On Thursday Eliza had a gift for me that she made in preschool. I love things she does with her handprints on them because I always want to remember how she was at this age.

We went out to dinner with my parents and brother Saturday night to my favorite restaurant - The Cowboy Grub. YUM! And the kids weren't a complete nightmare so that was even better!

Sunday, Eliza surprised me with a homemade card and a candle that she picked out herself.

She must have liked my reaction to her first card so much because she ended up making about five more. She is the sweetest girl. Every time she surprised me with a new card she would say, "I just want you to know how much I love you!" Aww...

Matt and the kids also gave me a cute collage picture frame. I love it!

I am so thankful be a mom and for my own mother. I talk to her almost every day and there is no way I would have made it through pregnancy and raising my children to this point without her. I love being a mom despite the hard times. And days where the kids are extra sweet just remind me how much I love them.

I hope you all had a good mother's day also!