Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A month of stickers

We have been wanting to get something for our backyard to make the summer more fun for the kids when we're outside. We have a fun park in our neighborhood but I'm not always in the mood to chase the wild animal (Jackson) around and keep him from diving off the side of the playground. When we asked Eliza what she wanted back there she said a trampoline. So we started another chart for her but since this was a bigger "prize" than a pair of binoculars (that's what she asked for last time) we changed the rules a little bit. She worked to earn five stickers every day. She earned a sticker for -

Being nice to Jackson
Obeying mom and dad
Doing one chore
Eating her food
Letting me comb and do something with her hair (a constant battle...)

She did AWESOME! If she was fighting with Jackson usually all she needed was a reminder about the trampoline and she stopped. I'm glad that we have found this method of incentive that works for her. Okay, it's bribery.

The day the trampoline was delivered we hid it and then set it up after the kids were in bed. In the morning we told Eliza we had a surprise for her but didn't tell her what it was. I'm surprised she didn't guess but she had no idea what it was. I guess she didn't realize she was done with her chart. We blindfolded her and took her outside first thing in the morning. She was SO happy!!!

It has be a lot fun so far and it's great for me too because it wears the kids out for bedtime! Oh, and speaking of sleep, thank the nap gods! Jackson has started napping again! Not as long as he used to but I'll take it!

Here is Eliza's chart!