Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Preschool Christmas program

Eliza had her preschool Christmas program last week.  She looks SO big compared to the other kids!  In her class there are three girls that are 5 years old.  All the other kids are still 3!  She did a great job singing, I am always proud of her when she does things like this because she can be so bashful sometimes.  I told her on the way home how proud I was of her and she said, "At first I was kind of nervous but then I just believed in myself!"  She got that off TV I think but still...it was adorable.  Jackson was exactly how I thought he would be during the performance.  He cried that he couldn't be up there with her and screamed when I tried to make him sit quietly.  Sorry to the people that were filming...   

1 comment:

Walter Family said...

How fun! I love what she said about believing in herself! What a cutie!!