Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First day...

Jackson's first day went pretty much how I thought it would.  :)  Eliza and I dropped him off and literally ran out of the room.  We hung out in Riverton while he was in class because I was expecting a call any minute telling me to come rescue the teachers from him.  So while we waited we had a good time shopping and worrying.  We got back to his school with about 10 minutes to kill which we spent hiding from the classroom door so he wouldn't see us.  But let me tell you, we HEARD him.  The poor kid was crying his eyes out, and from the sounds of it, he had been doing it for a long time.

When I talked to the teacher she said he didn't cry the "whole" time.  Yeah, that probably means when he had food in his mouth he didn't cry.  When I came into the room to get him he was on one of the teachers laps crying in between bites of cinnamon toast.  Big old tears and the kind of crying where they sort of inhale sharply every couple of seconds.  They told me not to worry...he was very typical for a first day.  I really hope he can adjust and know that I'm not abandoning him.  He needs to just enjoy it!!  It's so cute and the teachers are great!  We'll get there...

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and advice!

Maybe I should send him with a package of bologna next time?  That seems to help...

1 comment:


I've thought of you all day!
I was wishful thinking that he would have surprised you with just a few tears...but, mother always knows best! He did exactly what you thought he'd do!
I say definitely send him with the whole package of balogna next time and see if that helps! Ha ha, I love that picture!