Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jackson turns 3!

7-8-9  That's how I remember Jackson's birthday.  Sunday he turned three!  I can't believe it.  In some ways it's been the longest three years of my life and in other ways, it's gone by really fast and I can't believe he's that old.  Here's what Jackson is like at 3 years old

  • Would eat treats all day long if we let him
  • Is finally staying in nursery by himself
  • He will leap off anything and everything
  • Loves to play with the hose outside and will drench himself with it.  But if he gets a drop of water on himself during dinner, he cries
  • Loves basketball 
  • Still won't drink much milk
  • Is communicating much better but still has a long way to go
  • His favorite shows are Star Wars and Curious George
  • Is obsessed with Robots (pronounces it Bobots)
  • Still sleeps in a crib and melts down when we try to change that
  • Is a lefty like his mom
  • Usually naps every day but it's fading
  • Cannot sit still for more than a minute
  • Wakes up grumpy 90% of the time
  • Cries for at least 30 minutes when we have to put on church clothes.
  • Has had 2 surgeries, a broken foot, and stitches
  • Can point out a car wash no matter where we are
  • Loves his 93 year old great grandpa and calls him "big grandpa"
  • Sings along with I am a Child of God
  • Has big, beautiful blue eyes and dark eyelashes
Jackson has been such a challenge for me.  A lot of the time I feel like I still don't know what I'm doing with him.  And I often wonder who thought it was a good idea to make me his mother.  But I love him so much and we can't imagine our family without him.  He has taught me patience and to be grateful for small accomplishments and miracles.  He's my sweet little boy and I am so happy to be his mom.  The good days and the snuggles make it all worth it. 

Those lashes...  Didn't get them from me.



He is such a CUTIE!
I LOVE the sparkle in his eyes!
HAPPY 3rd TO YOUR little TURD! LOL...

Michelle Kelly said...

He is a cutie! Marcus is getting in to the terrible 2's and I might need some advice from a pro! You have done amazing with Jackson.

Walter Family said...

Happy Birthday, Jackson!! I forgot you're a lefty like me! That's awesome you'll have a lefty kid, too! I was hoping one of mine would be, but no luck! :) Jackson is such a handsome little guy!! I hope you had so much fun celebrating his special day!