Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Well, that wasn't so bad...

Matt and I have not been looking forward to the day when we would confiscate Eliza's binky. We really should have done it sooner because she got in the bad habit of biting it instead of just sucking on it and it was getting pretty thrashed. I knew I needed to just bite the bullet and do it but I'm so tired as it is, I really didn't want her crying and not sleeping on top of everything. I was hoping that she would just lose interest because of the hole in it but when that didn't happen, I got worried about her choking on it. So last Saturday, we took it away in the morning and when she asked for it later on, we told her that it was broken. She is really verbal these days so I figured just explaining it to her was the best way to go. She seemed to accept that explanation and she even took a really good nap that day. Of course, I'm sure it helped that she was up way too late the night before and so she was super tired. But even that night she slept relatively well. I kept waiting for the weeping and wailing that I've heard goes along with this transition but it seems as though we've lucked out. She still asks for it usually once a day but I just say, "Remember, it broke. But that's okay, you don't need it anymore" and then she's fine again. She found a binky we bought for the new baby yesterday and put it in her mouth but pulled it right back out and looked really confused as to why it was so small.

Yay! One less thing to keep track of when we go places.


Kristy said...

Yay!! That is a great day when the binky goes away. Makayla just lost interest in hers and we forgot to give it to her at nap and bed time and when she did fine we threw them away! Congrats for a few months of binky freedom!

Aubrey Garff said...

you got so lucky girl! my kids freaked when I took away the binkis!

Courtney said...

WOW! This is big stuff. That's my summer goal too!-- take the binkie AND bottle away. Today is the first day... we're taking smaller steps. You were brave! But apparently it worked. Impressive!