Monday, December 13, 2010

Catching up

Seeing as how it's been over a month since I've posted anything, I better get my act together before I get even further behind!

I think *crossing fingers* we are all healthy again. It was rough for a couple of weeks. Matt came down with strep throat, followed by Jackson. Eliza and I had seriously bad colds. Mine turned into a sinus infection. If mom ever needed a sick day (or week) that would have been it. But things are looking up finally.

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We had a dinner on Thursday with the McCann's and then a dinner on Friday with the Burton's. Yum! After dinner on Friday we went over to the church and let the kids (and the adults) run around for a while.

Now we're in Christmas mode. It's been so fun to see how much more interested and excited Eliza is this year. Jackson is mostly just interested in undecorating the Christmas tree. It looks ridiculous right now. All the unbreakable decorations are on the bottom half but most of those are on the floor. Oh well. It keeps him entertained for a while. Now we just need some snow again and we'll be all set!

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