Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lesson learned

You know those little warning signs that are on shopping carts telling you how to NOT let your child ride in them? I will never ignore one again.

Jackson is a nightmare in shopping carts. He screams like he is being tortured if he gets strapped into one. So on my quick trip to Target this evening, I decided I did not want to fight with him so I put him in the basket portion with Eliza. He sat, he stood, he sat, he stood. I enticed him with fruit snacks and toys and sippy cups just to make it through the 10 minute trip without a meltdown. As my head was turned he started reaching for a something hanging on a rack. As I looked back at him what I saw was him tumbling out of the shopping cart. Head over feet. It all happened so fast. He landed flat on his back. I didn't even think, I scooped him up and decided that him crying and flailing around was a good sign. I left my cart where it was and left the store. I didn't need all the judgmental eyes around me telling me what I already knew - that was not a safe place for children to be. I felt horrible.

But I am very grateful. I have been going over and over how much worse this little learning experience could have been. He could have landed on his arm or even worse, his head. We could have been on the hard tile floor instead of the carpeted part of the store. He could have gotten his finger stuck in the holes of the cart as he fell out. It could have been bad. Instead, I think I was more shaken up than him. He was absolutely fine by the time we got home.

So if you happen to see me at a store with a screaming toddler strapped into the seatbelt of a shopping cart, you'll know why. He's being restrained against his will for his own good.

This picture has nothing to do with the shopping cart incident. It is just cute.


The Dabo's said...

Oh my heck you should SEE my kids in the cart! I hope one will fall out so I can get a laugh and they can learn a lesson. Alex too hates the cart so he climbs all over that thing. Drew is usually on the bottom waiting to get his fingers ran over. So don't feel bad we all do it! Glad he's okay though!

Emily said...

Oh my gosh, Jamie! You crack me up!

Isaac and Dallas said...

I am just glad to know someone else that lets their kid fall out of the cart. All of mine have had their turn to learn their lesson. You would think I would have learned with the first child. Glad he is ok. Its a scary thing. Poor guy.

Jillian said...

I am so glad he is ok! And you're a great mama! Don't stress it!