Monday, March 28, 2011

This child...

This child REFUSES to drink milk unless it comes out of a bottle. He will drink anything out of a sippy except milk. A few months ago I bought him his own special milk sippy cups thinking that that would help. I've even warmed it up for him so it would be just like his bottle. Nothing. He takes one sip and throws it across the room. It makes no sense. Jackson, it's the same stuff! It tastes exactly the same! He'll eat dryer lint and a whole clove of raw garlic, but don't even try giving him milk. Someone please explain this to me.

He's getting too old to have a bottle but if I don't give him one, he doesn't get any milk during the day. Plus, he will only drink one bottle at night. It's not like I can give it to him throughout the day. We've tried adding chocolate and strawberry to it as well. We've given him fun curly straws to drink from. We've tried soy milk and cow's milk. Still nothing. And I don't think it's a lactose issue...he'll eat mac and cheese with no problems. I think it's a stubborn child issue.

I'm afraid we may be to the point where we simply don't give him anything but milk and assume that if he gets thirsty enough, he'll drink it. That should be fun.... Any suggestions?


Isaac and Dallas said...

Sounds awesome. Maysen was the same way. We had to do the cold turkey thing. Just decided it was time and that was that. It took her all morning to figure out there was no bottle coming her way. Nothing but milk in a cup they will get thirsty enough. Good luck

The Dabo's said...

Alex was also the same way. He LOVED his bottle. I swear he is so stubborn he starved for 2 months (because he is also a terrible eater) but eventually took to the sippy. Now he is addicted to the dumb sippy. It's never ending!